Saturday, July 16, 2011

Happenings in July, Take Two

I tried to start this blog entry a few days ago, but Blogger kept messing up on me. So this is officially take two.

I got my test copy of Second Thoughts in the mail in the beginning of the week. Everything looked good, so it's approved for distribution. You can order it at my Lulu bookstore by clicking on this link: I also ordered an extra copy that I autographed, and presented to the Public Library to put into their collection. It'll take a while to be processed, but will be available there eventually as well. In 8 weeks, you'll be able to order it through also.

I started JulNoWriMo (July Novel Writing Month) at the beginning of the month, too. I'm working on the book I started in November's version of this contest last year. I stopped in November at 4,720 words out of the 50,000 words required to be a winner. I am now at 7,045 words since July 1st, and will be adding more as soon as I finish posting this. I'm behind in the word count department. By midnight tonight, I should be at a word count of 25,809 words to finish with 50,000 words on July 31st.