I've been without an Internet connection for a few days, and found it liberating. I didn't miss being on Facebook all that much especially. Since I got reconnected in the afternoon, I feel like I'm making up for lost time. What I missed most besides the shows I catch up on during the week that I can't see because I don't have Cable was this blog, and 21st Century Poets! I have poems I've shared on here that I have yet to add to my manuscript, and I still haven't taken the time to do that yet.
I have another couple poems in progress. Well one isn't written at all, but is in the idea stage. I wanted to write a poem about a lost loved one that stays alive in my memories, but when I tried to put pen to paper it veered off into an unexpected subject that I've based a second poem on. Meanwhile, I still have the poem "Lavender" to finish as well. "Lavender" mainly just needs a little brushing up and another verse to complete it.
I finished reading a library book, returned it, and started reading one I own since I was on the Internet last. I've also watched a lot of movies that I was thinking of adding to my "At the Movies" blog which I haven't updated since last Halloween! I've watched too many movies to share them all since then, but I will post about the most recent when I have more time.
Another thing I did the last time I was on the Internet was order some business cards through VistaPrint. They have my Lulu Author's Spotlight address added to it as well as this blog's address and one of my email addresses in case any fans wanted to write me. I'm expecting them in the mail next week along with a simple business card holder I paid extra to carry around in my purse. I can't wait to start handing them out to people!
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