Friday, November 18, 2022

Lulu Press is no more....

 I just found out a little bit ago that Lulu Press, the self-publisher I published my first two poetry books with, has gone defunct.  It is now listed as Lulu International.  It is still a self-publishing company, but the company I copyrighted my first two poetry books with is no more.  Which means, I will have to publish the books again in the future with a new copyright.  I have retired the books on my account dashboard, cancelled my Lulu account, and am in the process of deleting my Amazon Author's page.

It's a blessing in disguise because I was just thinking about releasing "Fateful Firsts: A Collection of Poetry" and "Second Thoughts: A Collection of Poetry" with another publisher in the future anyway.  The publisher I was looking into for my poetry devotional that is almost complete also publishes standalone poetry books.

However, I wanted to get out the poetry devotional I am working on first.  That takes priority for me!  I'll keep you updated on any new developments....