I have heard back from the first 10 agents I sent my novel to, and they weren't interested, but wished me well in my search. None of the prospects thought my novel was bad, but just wasn't what they were looking for in a new project. In the next week, I'll be continuing down my list by contacting the next 10. I want to spend some time over the next couple days double-checking my list to see if some of them might not be taking on new clients right now. Everybody on my list was accepting new clients at the time I compiled it, but a lot can change in three months.
I hope everybody is having a good summer. I can't believe tomorrow is September 1st. I don't feel like I've accomplished much over the summer, but I am starting to get into a writing mode again. I've been making slow progress on the next book in the series, but I'll be sitting down to actually write more once I got my next 10 possible agents contacted.
Today is the last day for the Summer Reading Program at my local library. I won a basket a couple of weeks ago that contained Sun Tzu's Art of War, and Thomas Paine's Common Sense and other Selected Works. The basket also included a new book bag that I'm using to pick items up at the library. I've read over 100 books since the Program started in June.