Last night I went to sleep close to 4 AM because I was busy adding the last couple chapters I wrote a couple weeks ago into the manuscript finally. Around 4 AM is also when my coffee buzz finally wore off.
Earlier today I was talking with my brother about what I wanted to do for the next chapter. The brainstorming session with him helped immensely because I was able to demolish the writer's block that was on the horizon. It was frustrating for me because I kept thinking about how I wanted the story to go after this chapter, but I couldn't get the next chapter completely thought out in my head until earlier.
I had a dream that helped somewhat last night, and sharing that with my brother helped me to work out the entire next chapter instituting some of his ideas as well. I outline the chapter with a rewrite in an earlier chapter before I came to the library tonight. I'll be working adding that chapter sometime this week.
I was hoping to have "The Shepherdess Princess" finished by the end of 2013 at the latest, but now it might take another week or two. I'm on the home stretch with it!
Happy New Year to all my readers!